Report making can be a tedious and laborious task. After all a day’s hard work, who wants to make a daily work report or dwell into report making tasks that can end up taking a fair share of your time even after working hours. By using the Free Report Templates for Word given below, you can make your report making tasks a little easier and create a standard format to follow for reports to keep things streamlined.

General Report Template for Word

The General Report Template for Word provides a basic layout for making official reports. The template provides sections for adding the date, title, summary and milestones. You can customize this basic template for making basic reports, especially short reports. Moreover, you can also use this template as a starting point for making your report and build from the basic layout to create more elaborate reports.

Go to General Report Template for Word

General report template for Word

Team Report Template for Word

If you are working in teams, this report template can help you organize and work on team projects. You can use this template directly from Word Online for online collaboration, by sharing the template with your team members.

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Team report template for Word

MLA Style Paper Template for Word

If you require using the MLA format for your research but are confused regarding its usage or want a simple template to help make your task easier, then you can use the MLA Style Paper Template for Word.

Go to MLA Style Paper Report Template for Word

MLA Style report template for Word

Bold Report Template for Word

This is quite a handy template for making reports where you might want to emphasize certain areas of the report by using bold letters and headings. This template also makes text more legible than common report templates and can also be used for making reports with standard sections, highlighted using sub-headings.

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Bold report template for Word

Book Report Template for Word

This is a template for writing book reviews, summaries and analysis. If you have been given a book review assignment  by your teacher, then you might find this template immensely useful for writing a proper book review or critical analysis by following a standard format.

Go to Book Report Template for Word

Book report Word template

For more report templates, see this Office Online link to find free report templates for Word. You will require logging in with a Microsoft account to access and download these templates.