In business, time is money. Because of this, many aspects of operations are bound by time and revenue can only be gained when things go according to schedule. This is especially true when it comes to project management, where every step is critical and dependent on each other. In fact, a project can only be called successful if it is completed on time. 

Create Professional Timelines in Minutes

So if you are part of a project or are simply in need of creating a professional-looking and highly functional timeline, then you would love this Word Template for Making Business Project Timelines. This Word Template allows you to keep track of your project tasks and ensures that they are each accomplished according to the set time frames. Having such a timeline template will help you manage your project better.

This business project timeline template is perfect for companies and other different types of organizations due to its streamlined and professional design. It is also ideal for project management because its online component makes it easy to share the timeline within the team or department so everyone is on the same page about the progress of the project, if it is going along smoothly and according to schedule.

Write Comprehensive Details on Each Aspect or Stage of the Timeline

You can also conveniently access it through Word Online by simply opening your browser and going to the OneDrive portal, where you log in your account. This makes it easy to access your project timeline anywhere and anytime, using any mobile device or computer.

You can also customize it for presentation and report purposes, to match your branding or theme. As is, its overall design is clean, with emphasis on the timeline itself, while still allowing you clear readability on the descriptions and details.

Customize the Timeline to Suit Your Theme

The timeline is separated into months and if you prefer, you can also categorize or label it into weeks or even phases. The arrows pointing up and down alternately throughout the timeline itself go towards descriptions or tasks.

Note: The template mentioned in this post is no longer available, you can download this alternative template instead:

Go to Word Template for Making Business Project Timelines (Alternative Template)

Go to Free Timeline Templates for Microsoft Office