Jewels and deep colors convey royalty and usually represent an opulent life that is associated to the kings and queens of the ancient times, where rich silk and satin robes and bejeweled things are common. Today, jewels and rich textures are used for many things to convey luxury and elegance. And what best to represent these than gold, deep purple and diamonds, which are all part of this beautiful Opulent PowerPoint Online Template.


This Opulent PowerPoint Online Template combines the elements of shiny metal, rich textures, and diamond patterns to give you a general-purpose template that is extraordinary. Channeling grandeur and total luxury, this template is great for any kind of presentation in industries such as design, luxury goods, retail, automobiles, jewelry, business, hospitality, and so many more.

Look Like a Million Dollars

This PowerPoint Online template features a deep purple diamond pattern offset by a shiny silver frame and glossy gold accent. This theme can be seen all throughout the rest of the slide layouts, which you can see as you click on New Slide in the Home menu. With this cohesive and tight theme, you can be sure that whatever you put into each slide, the whole presentation will look like a million dollars.

Each of the slide layouts are designed with the same opulent elements while still allowing you enough freedom to create your own signature look. You can add your own logo and slogan to the slides. Additionally, you can also insert different things in every slide with just a click. You can insert tables, charts, diagrams, or create infographics with still the same opulent look dominating each slide.


Collaborate and Elaborate Online

And because this template is in PowerPoint Online, you can work with other people, like your colleagues or your project team to work on a single presentation. You can all access the same document and make changes to the presentation right through the cloud. It can also be saved on your OneDrive account so you can all go back to the presentation whenever you need to.


This cloud feature is also convenient for people who are always on the go, like if you are traveling or cannot be on your desk but need to create a presentation.

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