A widely popular tradition celebrated on the 2nd of every February, Groundhog Day is rooted in folklore and tradition. This holiday is named after the groundhog, which people before used to watch emerge from the burrows to know if winter is ending soon or will stick around longer. According to the lore, when the groundhog comes out from its burrow on February 2 and it’s cloudy, this means spring will follow soon. If it comes out on this day and the weather is sunny, it means that winter will stick around longer.


Aside from groundhogs being nature’s meteorologists, groundhogs are also fun and endearing, especially for kids who like animals. And since the Groundhog Day is a national and widely popular tradition, it is just nice that this is celebrated even in schools. This is why if you want children to be more familiarized about this tradition, you can use the Groundhog Day Educational Template for Word. This, like many educational free Office templates provides a fun way for teachers and parents to teach about Groundhog Day and its traditions.

This Groundhog Day Educational Template for Word is a fun and informative template specially created to teach children about this tradition. This template is free and is compatible with most Microsoft Word applications today. With its format, it can be used by both teachers and parents for little kids.


This template comes in the form of a quiz, which parents and teachers can use to assess just how much knowledge each child has about Groundhog Day. You can give this to kids online, or better yet, you can print out copies of this quiz to give to kids so they can answer it by hand. There are enough spaces provided for each of the items for kids to clearly state their answers.


What’s great about this educational template is that it is clearly intended for kids and it even has a fun and inviting groundhog illustration.

Go to Download Groundhog Day Educational Template for Word