Wars, history and aviation all require a presentation with the image of an aircraft. The Free War Jet PowerPoint Template is the perfect slide deck for this very purpose. the template provides an image of a fighter jet on the runway.

Create Aviation Related Presentations

This free PowerPoint template has some basic sample slides, all with the image of a fighter jet. You can edit the sample slides to include additional images of jets to design your slides. You can use the sample slides to design any type of presentation with an aviation, war or aircraft driven theme.

free jet powerpoint template

While the sample slides give layouts for making bullet lists and comparisons, you can also choose to add charts, clipart, diagrams and photos to redesign the sample layouts. The Layouts menu from the Home tab can be handy for this purpose. The layouts available in this theme include, picture, caption, two content, comparison and a few other layouts.

free war jet powerpoint template

This template can have a number of uses for academic purposes as well. If you’re a teacher teaching students about World Wars or wish to discuss current conflicts, you can use this template to set the right tone for your class. Similarly, history students can use the template to make presentations about past and present wars or anticipated conflicts in the future based on various theories of social sciences.

jet slide design

This free PowerPoint template is a PPTX template and therefore works with all PowerPoint 2007 and later versions, including PowerPoint 2016.

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