The Free McDonald’s PowerPoint Template depicts one of the most iconic logo in the food industry. With various handy slide layouts, the template provides the most well-known images from the famous fast food chin, such as their logo, French fries and burger. This template can be used for a variety of topics, such as for making case studies on McDonald’s Fast Food chain.

Everything McDonald’s

With 5 red and orange sample slides, the template gives various slide layouts that can be used for presenting lists, charts, comparisons and the like. Whether you’re an MBA student looking to make a case study on McDonald’s Fast Food chain or someone who wishes to discuss the social effects of mass consumption, corporate expansion, multinational corporations; this template can be perfect for the job.

This presentation template can also help grab audience attention, as people are more receptive to images that they can relate to. Since the template depicts the most iconic Mcdonald’s logo and corporate colors, you are likely to attract audience attention instantly due to the familiar outlook that the template provides.

Make use of Handy Slide Layouts

The title slide of this template comes with the type of Mcdonald’s cover image you would expect on their menus, brochures and billboards. This is followed by two slides with sample bullet lists, a cart slide and a comparison slide. Additional layouts can be revealed via the Layouts menu.

You can download this McDonald’s PowerPoint Template for free from PPTTemplate.

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