There are many ways to encourage your children to have discipline as well as to reward them for desirable deeds. From finishing their homework to helping out with the chores, you can reward and motivate kids of all ages with small amounts of money. While many might raise their eyebrows about this, with the right guidance, children can learn about the value of money and budgeting as well.


The Kids Money Envelope Template for Word is the perfect template for keeping kids interested in your unique reward system. This Word template is specially designed so you can easily create envelopes that are specially designed for kids. You don’t have to buy envelopes are wrack your brain thinking up exciting rewards because this template is all you need.

This envelope template is free to download and has a fun, colorful, animal themed design that both young boys and girls will love. This template contains illustrated images of gorillas, birds, elephant, tiger, and lion, among many others. This is also a great way to teach younger kids about jungle animals.


Meanwhile, in terms of rewards, this money envelope can be used so you can put coins or bills to give to kids whenever they do a good deed, help out with the chores, or score high in school. Aside from money, you can also put home-made coupons and notes as a form of reward.

The money envelope is already set on a standard letter-sized paper and is printer ready. This means you can open the template and print it right away, without needing any layouting or editing. This means even if you don’t have any background in Word or laying out graphics, you can create beautiful envelopes that kids will love.


You can also use this template for invitations, especially for safari or jungle themed parties.

Go to Download Kids Money Envelope Template for Word